Hormone Tension Release

Hormone Tension Release

Is a natural, powerful and effective system, designed  to release pain, tension, stress and inflammation from your body.
  1. Calms perimenopause, menopause and post-menopause symptoms like mood swings, restless legs syndrome, IBS, 3 a.m. insomnia, pain and much more…
  2. Works on your body at a psycho-neuro-immune-fascia-muscular-skeletal level
  3. Calms the brain’s overprotective responses
  4. Reboots your nervous system
  5. Regulates your endocrine system
  6. Regulates your immune system
  7. Regulates your menstrual cycle if you still have one and improves fertility (if you are premenopausal and irregularity and infertility issues, are the result of stress) 
  8. Creates flexibility, releasing myofascial tension
  9. Helps you to reframe your belief system, which is the way you view and talk about your body

Be the heroine of your own story

Learn the skills in as little as 6 1-hour sessions.

For best results, we advise this programme takes place within 6 weeks from start to finish.